These bags make me so happy, I hope they have the same effect on you.
Each one is different, because they are made from the most decorative parts of Indian clothing (specifically the neckline of ladies long tops called 'Kameez'). This gives all the sequins, embroidery, and gold thread a new lease of life! There may be a few loose threads but this doesn't affect the structural integrity of the bag, as the decorative pieces are patchworked onto thick black cotton.
The front flap (with the tassels) is secured by a magnetic button, there is an inner pocket with a zip, and another zip to seal the main pocket. So all your precious festival items will be safe and secure.
The strap is 120cm in total, or will hang 60cm down from your shoulder, long enough to go across your body too. The strap can be tucked into the bag and you could use it as a clutch bag if you like. These are the perfect size to comfortably fit a small bottle of water, some hand sanitizer, (some loo roll?) your phone and a coin purse. 22cm x 15cm x 7cm deep. I have other colours too, so message me if you can't find your colour listed here.
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